Karl FranzenburgAfter receiving his bachelor of science in Chemistry from The University of Iowa Karl Franzenburg began his forensic science career in 1989 as a Drug Identification Analyst at the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation. Training for that position included instruction at the DEA as well as classes through the Midwest Association of Forensic Scientists. After approximately eight years he began training in Trace Evidence Examination with courses in Polarized Light Microscopy, Fiber Microscopy, Paints and Pigments Microscopy,
Unknown White Powder Microscopy, Soil Microscopy, Microscopic Analysis of Glass and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry for Trace Evidence at the FBI in Quantico, Virginia. He has also been trained in Ignitable Liquid Residue Analysis. He has examined Trace Evidence exclusively for the past 20 years. Along with analysis in the laboratory Karl has also processed numerous crime scenes and testified in State and Federal court. Karl retired from the Iowa DCI after thirty one and a half years.
He has been proficiency tested in:
Drug Identification
Paint Comparison
Fiber Comparison
Food Adulterant Identification
Fracture Match
Light Bulb for On or Off
Explosives Analysis
Glass Comparison
Soil Comparison
Pressure Sensitive Tape Comparison
For the past 3 years Karl has studied Statement Analysis through Hyatt Analysis Services and has completed all requirements to achieve the level of Statement Analyst II. He is currently involved in monthly team analysis and has analyzed several statements for law enforcement, including 911 calls.
He has been proficiency tested in:
Drug Identification
Paint Comparison
Fiber Comparison
Food Adulterant Identification
Fracture Match
Light Bulb for On or Off
Explosives Analysis
Glass Comparison
Soil Comparison
Pressure Sensitive Tape Comparison
For the past 3 years Karl has studied Statement Analysis through Hyatt Analysis Services and has completed all requirements to achieve the level of Statement Analyst II. He is currently involved in monthly team analysis and has analyzed several statements for law enforcement, including 911 calls.