100% Preventable ... 100% affordable
Suicide needlessly destroys so many lives.
And we can't afford to lose another one. The solution is completely affordable and CCF is here to help. Please use the information on these pages to educated yourselves and those you love so you can be the steady hand of support in another one's time of need. For an individual contemplating suicide, there is often a deep sense of hopelessness that often leads them to believe that their only option is suicide.
Imagine your life is a very large room, with multiple doors and windows representing opportunities and rays of hope. In a very far deep corner of the room with less light is the door that represents suicide. The truth is that this door exists in everyone’s life and for most people they never give that door a second look and they spend their life exploring and experiencing all the other doors and windows in their life. But for some, that door becomes a very real possibility and they begin to move toward that corner of their life. What they and others often do not realize is that the closer to the corner with the door they move, the more they reduce their visible options. For some, by the time they reach the corner, they see no other way out but to use that door. Unless they are able to stop and turn around to see the multitude of other options or at least have someone else describe the options to them, their chance of taking that fatal door greatly increase. Too often survivors find themselves exploring that corner of their life. The CCF believes that each survivor has the ability to reach their full potential as well as play a significant role in closing cases, and empowering other survivors. To that end we are committed to helping them see the potential and hope that exists despite their loss and deep emotional pain. BACK TO MAIN SUICIDE PREVENTION PAGE |