Michael Bradley Mike serves as a police officer within the California Highway Patrol’s (CHP) Case Support Unit. His current assignment began in August of 2019 and has been assisting other investigators throughout the state and country develop leads, investigate, analyze data, and provide intelligence for over 400 felonious investigations to date. Prior to this assignment, Mike spent over four years in the CHP Emergency Operations and Safety Services Section. During this time, Mike built relationships with most federal, state, county, and local first-responding agencies for emergencies. Utilizing his prior military experience, Mike instructed over 20 ICS courses to all newly promoted CHP sergeants, and served as an agency representative for state-level emergency
activations. Mike’s first assignment out of the CHP Academy in 2012 was at the Oakland Area Office on road patrol.
Before becoming a police officer Mike served in the California Army National Guard for just under 10 years and earned the rank of captain within the Combat Engineer branch. He has had command of troops as both a platoon leader and company commander. He has deployed to Kosovo and attended overseas exercises alongside allied nations.
Before becoming a police officer Mike served in the California Army National Guard for just under 10 years and earned the rank of captain within the Combat Engineer branch. He has had command of troops as both a platoon leader and company commander. He has deployed to Kosovo and attended overseas exercises alongside allied nations.
- Juris Doctor – Abraham Lincoln University, Glendale, California (2020)
- Master of Business Administration – Grantham University, Kansas City, Missouri (2010)
- Bachelor of Science, Business Marketing – California State University, Sacramento (2007)
- Homicide Specialty – Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation
- Intermediate Instructor – Level 2
- Peace Officer Standards and Training – Advanced
- Incident Command System, Train-the-Trainer
- California Department of Justice Electronic Surveillance
- Geotime Call Record Analysis – Level 1
- Spanish Bilingual (CHP Certification)
- Investigator Core, Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation (80 hours)
- Homicide, Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation (80 hours)
- Behavior Analysis Investigative Interview and Interrogation Course – Behavior Analysis Training Institute (40 hours)
- Role of the Undercover – Northeastern Regional Training Center (40 hours).
- Cyber Investigator Certification Program, Level 1, Carnegie Mellon University (70 hours).