Tiffany FordForensic Document Examiner
AFFILIATED with BLANCO & Associates Inc. (San Francisco & Los Angeles) since 1999 PROFESSIONAL HISTORY:
1/05 to Present
Ford Forensic Documents, LLC
Commercial Street, Rockport, Maine 04856-- 207-236-4110
Title – Forensic Document Examiner
12/04 Title – Forensic Document Examiner
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors- Laboratory Accreditation
to Private Practice- Sacramento, California
7/00 Title – Questioned Document Trainee/ Confidential Assistant
Assisted in examination and comparison of handwriting, hand printing, and
mechanical impressions for the purpose of suspect identification or elimination
1/05 to Present
Ford Forensic Documents, LLC
Commercial Street, Rockport, Maine 04856-- 207-236-4110
Title – Forensic Document Examiner
- Full service forensic document examinations pertaining to civil litigation and criminal investigation
- Testify in Maine courts to evidence to assist triers of fact
12/04 Title – Forensic Document Examiner
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors- Laboratory Accreditation
- Examination and comparison of handwriting, hand printing, and mechanical impressions for the purpose of suspect identification or elimination
- Exhibit preparation, latent writing development, infrared examinations, digital imagery and stereobinocular microscope comparison analysis
- Developed a working training manual, compiled catalogued reference articles, took competency tests and read required and recommended references
- Participating in Proficiency Testing Program of the Collaborative Testing Services and Peer Review required by ASCLD Accreditation Board
- Forensic Document Examinations pertaining to criminal investigation
- Federal Commendations for work on the DC Sniper Case--2002
to Private Practice- Sacramento, California
7/00 Title – Questioned Document Trainee/ Confidential Assistant
Assisted in examination and comparison of handwriting, hand printing, and
mechanical impressions for the purpose of suspect identification or elimination
- Exhibit preparation, latent writing development, infrared examinations, digital imagery and stereobinocular microscope comparison analysis
- Assisted in writing and editing a book titled “Business Fraud- Know it and Prevent It”
- Assisted in Forensic Document Examinations pertaining to civil litigation and criminal investigation
- University of New Haven, Sac, CA- Masters Degree in Forensic Science, GPA 3.73, 2000
- University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME- B.A. in Biology, 1997
- Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA- Transferred course work, 1991-1994
- Office Machine Systems Utilizing Inkjet Technology Workshop- Wilmington, DE 2004
- Canon Photocopier, Facsimile & Microfilm Training Workshop- Atlanta, GA- ABFDE Sponsored, October 2002
- Daubert Hearing Conference- Las Vegas, NV- ABFDE Sponsored, June 2002
- Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Science- Frederick, MD, Annapolis, MD, Wilmington, DE- Presented research paper on “The Decipherment of Opaqued Writing with Acetate-Assisted Photocopying”, April 2002, May 2003, April 2004
- Disguised Handwriting Workshop- Frederick, MD- MAAFS Meeting, April 2002
- ATF National Firearms Examiner Academy- Alexandria, VA- Moot Court
- American Academy of Forensic Science- Reno, NV; Atlanta, GA, Chicago, IL, Dallas, TX- Feb 2000 through 2004
- Pennsylvania State Police Headquarters-Harrisburg, PA- Training, Nov 2001
- Rochester Institute of Technology- Rochester, NY- Printing Process Identification and Image Analysis for Forensic Document Examiners Course, October 2001
- Mead Paper Corp- Chillicothe, OH- Paper Knowledge Course, August 2001
- Pennsylvania State Police Headquarters- Harrisburg, PA- Moot Court, July 2001
- California Department of Justice- Sacramento, CA-Internship in Questioned Documents, 2000
- St. Louis University Death Scene Investigation Training Course- St. Louis, MO- April 1999